Date of Award
Spring 5-18-2019
Document Type
Degree Name
MA - Master of Arts
Expressive Therapies
Vivian Marcow Speiser
This paper is a literature review that explores the literature on addiction, impulsivity and dance/movement therapy (DMT), culminating in a discussion on combining the research to inform a new direction in treating Substance Use Disorders (SUD). Exploring an understanding of addiction paired with what is understood about the reality of impulsivity, it is suggested that a DMT approach can be used to create a deeper personal understanding of the self. By focusing on sensations and recognizing established patterns, those in treatment can begin to respond instead of react to the urges and cravings that inform impulsive behaviors. This paper examines how this approach could be beneficial in treatment and why it is necessary to do more research in all areas of addiction, impulsivity, and the use of DMT as an effective intervention.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Cavey, Cheryl, "Using Body Oriented Interventions for Impulse Control in Individuals Struggling with Addiction: A Literature Review" (2019). Expressive Therapies Capstone Theses. 177.
The author owns the copyright to this work.