"Patterned Sensory Enhancement-Based Interventions in an Acute Rehabili" by Lionel Cheong

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies


Expressive Therapies


Marisol Norris


Constraint-induced therapy (CIT) or Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is used in rehabilitation to improve upper extremity function in patients who suffer from brain injuries, such as stroke or cerebral palsy. By engaging in repetitive exercises and increasing the use of the affect area of the upper extremity, the brain develops a change in neural pathways that helps recover the use of limbs by these patients. Unfortunately, one of the main limitations of CIT is the low compliance with patients involved in CIT, due to the stopping of use of compensation strategies, and the intensity and duration of the treatment, especially with the pediatrics population. However, the Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) technique, Patterned Sensory Enhancement (PSE), was developed to address those same goals through the therapeutic use of music and rhythm as a driving force to facilitate better movement quality. The auditory cues in the music help facilitate movement exercises that are not rhythmic in nature, which in turn improve strength, endurance, balance and posture of the patient participating in recurring sessions involving PSE. The goal of this study was to design, develop and facilitate movement exercises and facilitating music for an intervention based on the knowledge of PSE to target both upper and lower extremities of patients hospitalized in an acute rehab setting. The intervention was facilitated in a group session consisting of 5 patients, who were recovering from various forms of brain injury. Prior to this study, a portion of the group session usually consisted of movement exercises facilitated by an occupational therapist or physical therapist.

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