Dissertations from 2017
An Examination of Educators' Perceptions of Host Country Cultural Dynamics in International Schools Abroad, Sharlene M. Fedorowicz
Discovering the Leader Within: An Autoethnophenomenographic Study of Mindfulness in Educational Leadership, Alyssa Fraser
An Examination of the Instruction of Religion Clause Issues in Massachusetts Teacher Education Programs, Matthew E. Henry
The Perceptions of Elementary School Teachers Regarding Their Efforts to Help Students Utilize Student-to-Student Discourse in Science, Jennifer Lovejoy Craddock
Art Teachers’ Perceptions of the Relationship between Personal Artistic Creative Work and the Practice of Teaching, Dianne Lynn
Full Circle: A Portraiture Study of Three Successful Indigenous Educators and Community Leaders Who Experience Personal Renewal In their Practice of Cultural Restoration, Kathrin W. McCarthy
The Effectiveness of General and Special Education Collaboration in Middle Schools, Kerri L. Olore
Interdisciplinary Arts as an Agent for Community Building in a U.S. Public School, Ida Pappas
Middle School Teacher Collaboration: The Intersection of Teacher Domain and Administrative Purview, Jessica Rintoul
Understanding How Principals Shape Collaborative School Culture, Kerri-Lyn Sankey
A Tradesperson’s Transition to Vocational Technical (VT) Teaching, Susan J. Sylvia
Dissertations from 2016
An Exploration of Success Factors from the Perspectives of Developmental Mathematics Students, Stacy Atkinson
Steps Towards Personalized Learning Using Online Asynchronous Technology: A Study of 7th, 10th and 12th Graders at a Small Rural School in Massachusetts, Michael Raymond Farmer
Exploring Meteorology Education in Community College: Lecture-Based Instruction and Dialogue-Based Group Learning, Jason Paul Finley
Technology Underutilized: Principal’s Role in Creating a Culture of High-Level Uses, Darlene A. Foley
Men in a female-dominated profession: The lived experiences of Ghanaian male nurses in the United States, Daniel Kwadjo Frimpong
Justice and Care: Decision Making of Medical School Student Promotions Committees, Emily Paige Green
The Teacher's Closet: A Narrative Inquiry of Dual Identities of Lesbian and Gay Middle School Teachers in Georgia, Heather Ann Keilwitz
Navigating the New American Classroom: How Adjunct Faculty Empower Themselves to Reach Out to the New Diverse Population of Students, Yvonne Macrae
Adolescent Visual Voices: Discovering Emerging Identities Through Photovoice, Perspective and Narrative, Ann Mechem Ziergiebel
Understanding Students' Chosen Literacy Practices During Non-Academic Times: An Ethnographic Teacher-Research Inquiry, Justin Robert Moyer
Dissertations from 2015
Masculinities, Gendered Expression, and the Social, Emotional, and Academic Well-Being of High School Boys, Cynthia Bazinet
Gender, Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Achievement: An Analysis of Fourth Grade and Eighth Grade TIMSS Data from the United States, Jennifer Anne Evans
Development in the Gap: A Case Study of Emerging Adults in Structured Gap Programs, Sara Flowers
From Awareness to Action in the Elementary Classroom: Developing Culturally Relevant Content and Pedagogy, Rita Jarvis
First Year Teachers' Use of Technology in Literacy Instruction: A Case Study, Emily Kearns Burke
Relationship Between Individuals with a Brain Injury and Their Paid Caregivers: A Grounded Theory, Barbara Nadeau
Reacting to Classroom Design: A Case Study of How Corrective Actions Impact Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, Mikael André Powell
Understanding Principals' Use of Emotional Intelligence to Influence Their School Communities, Linda Pratt Maresca
The Theatre Missionary: Exploring the Early Career Teaching Experiences of Theatre Educators through Artistic Inquiry, Robert Andrew Strickland
Learning from Experience: A Critical, Collective Process Following International Short-Term Mission Travel, Nancy Vigander Winfrey
Dissertations from 2014
Simulated Patients' Experiences with Verbal Feedback for First Year Medical Students and Residents: A Grounded Theory Study, Carol Fleishman
BYOT and Me: Teacher Perceptions of a Bring Your Own Technology Initiative, Ilana Jones
The Resilient Turn: College Students' Perspectives - A Phenomenological Inquiry, Perah Kessman
The Influence of Nature Relatedness on Decision Making Regarding Mate Selection in College-Educated Young Adults, Nicole Lynn Kras
Leading Between the Lines: Exploring the Development of Identity Among Literacy Specialists, Peter Joseph Lancia
Shadow Work in Support of the Adult Developmental Journey, Robin Gregory McLaughlin
The Experience of Emerging Adults in an Entry-level College Hebrew Course, Sarit Moskowitz
Americans Teaching English: Reflections on Experience as Sojourners in Another Country, Catherine Nameth
God, Family, and Social Justice Education: A Narrative Study of Adult Learners in the Deep South, Christen Victoria Warrington-Broxton
Dissertations from 2013
Patient to Agent: A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding Emergent Adult Women's Experiences of Entering the Workforce, Kerry Akashian
The Perceptions of Urban School Principles Regarding the Education of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Jean-Dominique Herve Anoh
Learning from the Inside Out: A Narrative Study of College Teacher Development, Anne Benoit
The Social Intelligence of Principals: Links to Teachers' Continuous Improvement, Joan McQuade
Making Voices Visible: Teacher Research in a Community College Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, Debra Murphy
I Am a Teacher Walking a Mile in Her Shoes: A Narrative Study of Teacher Identity, Amy Parmenter
Factors Affecting the Retention of First-career and Second-career Science Teachers in Urban High Schools, Rosemary C. Rak
Athletic Training: Instructors Perceived Preparedness for Teaching in an Athletic Training Education Program, Kevin Rooney
The Meaning of Music-Making for Computer Scientists with a Serious Musing-Making Avocation: A Phenomenological Case Study, Varda Shaked
Dissertations from 2012
Finding Voice: An Exploration of College Students with Learning Differences within the Context of Family, Lynn Abrahams
Restorative Practices: Graduate Students' Perspectives Seen through a Transformative Learning Lens: A Dissertation, Craig W. Adamson
Power and Authority in the Student-Instructor Relationship in a Restorative Practices-Based Graduate Program, John W. Bailie
Portuguese as a Foreign Language: Teaching and Learning in the United States: A Dissertation, Celia Bianconi
Joining the Academic Chorus: The Success of First-Generation Female Students at Private Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education, Sally A. Buckley
Lesson Study: Restructuring Teacher Professional Development in the United States, Anthony G. Buono
Culturally Responsive Professional Development for Latinas in Family Child Care: A Dissertation, Jody Figuerido
Reflection in Physical Therapy Practice: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Oral and Written Narratives, Mary S. Knab
A Living Citizenship Model for the Public Schools: The Philosophical Foundations of Friendship in the Works of Epicurus and Ralph Waldo Emerson, Debra Sherblom
The Role of Elementary School Principals Supporting Teachers in the Instruction of Reading for English Language Learners: A Dissertation, Nadene B. Stein
Dissertations from 2011
The Engagement Practices of Performing Arts-Makers: A Phenomenological Case Study of Prometheus Bound, the Rock Musical: A Dissertation, Peter J. Cormier
Yoga in Higher Education: North American Educators and the Use of Yoga as Pedagogy: A Dissertation, Laura Douglass
Creating a Learning Environment to Increase Early Adolescent Motivation: A Dissertation, Mark Logan
Whatever Works: Teaching Adults with Learning Difficulties in Adult Basic Education Programs: A Dissertation, Susan Noyes Spear
Dissertations from 2010
Text and Texture: An Arts-Based Exploration of Transformation in Adult Learning: A Dissertation, Enid E. Larsen
A Study of the Effects of Peaceable Schools Curricula on Student Achievement in an Urban Middle School, David Nurenberg
Authority, Leadership, and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas: A Pilot Study of a Group Relations Conference: A Dissertation, Tracy Wallach
Integrating Contemplative Practice into the Undergraduate Pursuit of Finding and Following an Intuitive Call, Jan M. Wall
Care, Culture, and Education Nursing Students' Perceptions of Care and Culture: Implications for Practice, Pauline Rita Wright
Dissertations from 2009
Teacher Transformations: A Phenomenological Study on the Effect of Courage to Teach on Experienced Teachers' Growth and Development: A Dissertation, Kathleen M. Nollet
Parents' Perceptions About an Early Childhood Program: Analysis of Parents Focus Group Discussions: A Dissertation, Natalie Ann Zakarian
Dissertations from 2008
Transforming Higher Education Through Part-Time Faculty Professional Development that Fosters Flourishing: A Dissertation, Janet Lynn Thompson
Dissertations from 2007
The Right of Way: Ethical Decision Making of Selected Elementary School Principals: A Dissertation, Jennifer Dechiara
Talk Among the Dragonflies and Dalmations: An Investigation of Communicative Competence in a Pre-Kindergarten Classroom: A Dissertation, Lauren Foley Goldberg
Dissertations from 2006
The Process of Implementing Health-Promoting Schools in Zhejiang Province, China: A Dissertation, Carmen E. Aldinger
Traveling Spark: Alice Yardley and Child-Centered Education: The Development of her Educational Thought, 1913-2002: A Dissertation, Pebble Baker Brooks
Hearing Whiteness, Seeing Race: Women Leaders Give Visibility to their White Identity: A Dissertation, Ann Moritz
Relational Fathering: How Fathering Sons Affects Men's Relational Growth and Development: A Dissertation, Carol Watson-Philips
Mentoring College Students with Learning Disabilities: A Case Study: A Dissertation, Susan Wilmont Pennini
Dissertations from 2005
Aesthetics of Listening: Creating Spaces of Learning, Lisa Donovan
Influences on Professional Learning: Five Teachers' Stories, Mary Lincoln Sterling
Stopping-Out of College: The Students' Stories, Diane Simpson Webber
Oasis from Learn-to-Earn: Adult, Working-Class, Liberal Arts Graduates Make Meaning of their Learning Careers at Harvard, Suzanne C. Spreadbury
Dissertations from 2004
Encounter Theatre as a Means of Social Change and Empowerment, David D. Coleman II
Brief Relational Mathematics Counseling as an Approach to Mathematics Academic Support of College Students Taking Introductory Courses, Jillian M. Knowles
Dissertations from 2003
A Qualitative Study Examining the Leadership of the Executive Board of the Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Joanne Lynn Allen-Willoughby
How Museum Educators Build and Carry Out Their Profession: An Examination of Situated Learning Within Practice, Elsa B. Bailey
Shaking It Up: Challenging Veteran Teachers to Change, Evelyn Baker Lang
Identity Formation and Collaboration Inquiry in the Zone of Proximal Development: Eighth Grade ESL Students Doing Research - A Teacher Research Study, Carol Irene Bearse
Teachers' Implementation of Inquiry in Elementary Science Education, Maria De Freece Lawrence
Meaning Making and Positive Development with Adolescent Girls: Using the Arts, Community, Reflections, and Service, J. Eva Nagel
What Archetypes of Representation Do Children between the Ages of Four and Seven Employ When Creating Route Maps of Familiar Interior Spaces?, Christine G. Price
Pre-Verbal Trauma, Dissociation and the Healing Process, Dorothy Dreier Scotten
Home Environment Factors Influencing Literacy Development: A Group of Brazilian Immigrant Head Start Children, Sharon C. Switzer
Dissertations from 2002
Essence of Cultural Competence: Listening to the Voices of Occupational Therapy Students, Roxie M. Black