Dissertations from 2002
Sustainable Results in Urban Middle Schools: How Principals Use Systems Thinking to Lead Effective Change, Peggy H. Burke
How Elementary School Teachers Learn to Teach Mathematics, Phyllis Schneider Kirschner
Getting to the Heart of Mentoring Relationships, Karen LeDuc
Dispelling the Myth of the Non-Singer: Changing the Ways Singing is Perceived, Implemented and Nurtured in the Classroom, Louise M. Pascale
Dissertations from 2001
Bridging Connections Between Teachers' Racial Identities and Their Teaching Practices, Sandras M. Barnes
Dynamics of Teachers' Aesthetic Engagement with Children's Literature, Susan C. Griffith
Revitalization Not Retirement: A Case for Transformative Professional Development that Echoes the Voices of Eight Veteran Literacy Teachers, Mary Ann Johnson
Dissertations from 2000
Teaching for the Aesthetic Experience, Margaret G. Black
Portraits of Leadership: Relationships Among Gender, Age, and Creativity, Diane Caton Desrosiers
Teacher Reflection in a School Committed to Student Reflection, Debra Richardson Smith
Dissertations from 1999
Effects of an Interactive, Literacy-Rich Environment on the Social, Language, Cognitive, and Literacy Development of Young Children with and without Special Needs, Jeanne M. Canelli
The Professional Beliefs and the Conditions That Support Integrated Curriculum in a New England Middle School, Cheryl Lynn Davis
Including Elders' Voices: A Model for Gerontology Curriculum Design in Higher Education, Marilyn Rose Gelish-Gugliucci
Information Literacy: An Issue of Equity for New Majority Students, Lana Webb Jackman
Narrating Gender: Children's Responses to Gender Roles Depicted in Orally Told Folk Tales and Other Traditional Stories, Robin Ann Mello
A Case Study in Museum Change: Power, Authority and Community Connected Exhibitions, Marilyn Cathy Solvay, Ph.D.
Dissertations from 1998
Case Study of Assessment in a High School Classroom: The Impact of Changes in Assessment on Curriculum, Instruction, Teachers, and Students, Deborah A. A Brady
The Politics of Art Education in the Public Schools, Wendy Campbell
Mathematics, Modeling, and Modular Curriculum in Engineering Retraining Programs, Massoud Moussavi
The Role and Impact of Leaders' Mental Models in Effecting Planned Transformational Change, Stephen C. Rathmill
The Characteristics of Learners Enrolled in Advanced Level Courses in Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese at Brandeis University, Vardit Ringvald
Dissertations from 1997
Determining the Degrees of Needed Support for First Time Parents in the Immediate and Early Post Partum Period, Marilyn Grimes Fraktman
Media Literacy Education: Personal and Professional Change, Lesley L. Johnson
Three High School Teachers' Conceptions of the French They Teach, Patrick R. Moran
Dissertations from 1996
The Impact of Psychological Trauma on Learning and Functioning in Women wit Learning Disabilities: Looking at Classroom Trauma, Jane Utley Adelizzi
Dimensions of the Paraeducator Experience Facilitating the Inclusion of Children with Identified Special Education Needs in General Education Classes, Cathryn Griswold Riggs
Dissertations from 1995
Gender and Leadership: Men and Women's Stories, Barbara A. Karanian
Cooperative Learning: The Teacher's Perspective, Nancy A. Mickunas
Teacher Supervision and Reflectivity: A Relational and Interactional Process, Claire M. Stanley
Dissertations from 1994
Taking Charge: Second Graders Negotiate Ownership of Their Expressive Writing, Susan Douglas Fleming
Midlife Experience of Contemporary Women Views Along the Midway, Paula DeAngelis Panchuck
Dissertations from 1992
Imagining Imagination: A Phenomenological Study of Children's Drawings of Imagination, Robert M. Callahan